Skyrim Peace Council Best Choices

During Council, I reached Phase 2 where Ulfric demanded a minor hold by doing the following: Keep Elenwen, choose Riften during Phase 1 from choice between Riften and a minor hold. This forced Phase 2. During Phase 1, I got offered Riften or Winterhold, and during Phase 2, Ulfric requested Morthal as the minor hold.

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  3. Skyrim Peace Council Best Choices 2020
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  • Skyrim Walkthrough Part 16: Season Unending
  • When Season Unending starts, its first objective also appears in the quest log. While the Jarl’s help is conditional on your getting a truce, word has been spread throughout the whole of Skyrim that you are, in fact, the Dragonborn- so while people may not instantly recognize you as such, when you claim to be so, people will be inclined to listen to you and believe you.
  • .note: if you still have the quest to 'Find evidence of Ogmund's Talos worship' when going into the peace council, it will auto-fail at the end, no matter which choices you make - presumably because Markarth has now changed hands no matter what. There may be other quests that are altered based on choices, but I did not see any in my own log change.

Skyrim Peace Council Best Choices Practices

  • By chronodev (Ron)
  • Published 11/21/2011
  • Rating:

You get the quest 'Season Unending' while doing the quest 'The Fallen'. The Jarl of Whiterun will only agree to help you out and offer his palace as a trap to the dragon, if you can negotiate a peace truce between Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak. The main quest 'The Fallen' cannot advance until you are done with 'Season Unending'
Open your quest journal:
Season Unending
The Jarl of Whiterun won't help me capture a dragon as long as the civil war is raging. If I can get the Greybeards to host a peace council, I can try to convince the Imperials and the Stormcloaks to agree to a truce in order to defeat Alduin, who is a threat to both sides in the civil war.
Talk to Arngeir
Fast travel to High Hrothgar and locate Arngeir, most likely meditating in the High Horthgar courtyard. He will tell you he heard the dragonrend shout from there and asks you if you defeated him. Tell him that yes, but he escaped and you need to find his portal to Sovngarde. Tell him you need his help to capture a dragon. He tells you the Greybeards are not warrriors, and while the Dragonborn is allowed to fight, the Greybeards aren't. Tell him not to worry about catching the dragon, you will do that. What you need his help with is stopping the war. He will tell you that you misunderstand their authority. The Greybeards have never involved themselves in political affairs.
Tell him that Jarl Balgruuf won't help you while the war rages. And that both sides respect Greybeards, and will listen. He will say that since Paarthurnax has made the decision to help you, this is the road they have to walk. (Dialog will be different if you have slain Paarthurnax).
He will agree to host the peace summit. He will ask you to tell General Tullius and Ulfric that the Greybeards wish to talk with them together. You have to deliver the message to the warring parties.. If they will listen, Arngeir will do whatever he can to bring them to terms.
Open the quest log:
'Arngeir has agreed to host a peace council at High Hrothgar. I need to convince the Imperials and the Stormcloaks to agree to a truce in order to defeat Alduin, who is a threat to both sides in the civil war'
Talk to Ulfric Stotmcloak
Talk to General Tullius
General Tullius can be found in Solitude. Fast travel there (or hire a carriage). Enter Castle Dour. Locate the war room inside. Legate Rikke is there warning Tullius about Ulfric's plans to attack Whiterun. Talk to Tullius. Tell him you were at Helgen. he will remember you were a prisoner. Tell him you were set free and could've gone anywhere, but came here to fight for the Empire. Then talk to him again and tell him you have a message from the Greybeards. They are convening a peach council at High Hrothgar. Tell you you need a truce until the dragon menace is dealt with. PERSUADE him that the dragons are bigger problem then Stormcloaks right now. If the persuasion fails, he tells you that he will be the judge of that. The Stormcloaks are suffering from the dragons just as much as the Imperials are.
Tell him the empire can't afford to snub the Greybeards. He will see your point and agree to come to this Greybeard council.
Next, go to Windhelm. Enter the palace of the kings. Galmar and Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak are also discussing the war and Whiterun. He also remembers you from Helgen. He tells you to speak with Galmar if you want to join the Stormcloaks. Tell Ulfric you have a message from the Greybeards, they wish to negotiate a truce until the dragon menace is dealth with. He will have some doubts, he cant afford to be weak. He will only go if Tullius has agreed to go. If you have already convinced General Tullius to come, tell him that Tullius will be there. Otherwise try to persuade him, saying the return of Alduin is more important then politics. Ulfric Stormcloak will agree to come to the peace council.
Your goal now is to talk to Arngeir again. Fast Travel to High Hrothgar and talk to Arngeir. Delphine and Esbern have shown up, and are arguing with Arngeir who tells them they are not welcome. They say they have the right to be there since they put the dragonborn on the path. Esbern explains that they know a great deal about Alduin and the threat he poses. For the negotiations to succeed, you need them there. Arngeir will finally agree they enter. Arngeir will express his concerns that men of violence are sitting in this hall of peace and that he should not have agreed to that. Tell him not to worry, you'll get them to agree to peace. Enter the Grand Hall and take your seat. Negotiations will begin.
Attendants are:
Legate Rikke (Imperials)
Jarl Elisif of Solitude (Imperials)
General Tulius (Imperials)
Jarl Balgruuf (Imperials)
Ulfric Stomrcloak (Stormcloaks)
Galmar Stone-Fist (Stromcloaks)
Jarl Vignar of Whiterun (Stormcloaks) (Optional)
Elenwen (Thalmor Observer)
Elenwen will say she has the right to be here to see that nothing agreed here goes against the white-gold concordat. As the negotations progress, certain dialog options will favor a faction. If you have already joined a faction you might want to choose the dialogs that please them, otherwise they will be upset at you in the end. We provide the walkthrough for the negotiations and also list what happens if you take the other option. We also tell you which option favors the imperials, and which favors the Stormcloaks. So be sure to consult with this negotiation guide as you conduct the peace negotiations.
The first order of business: The Imperials have included Elenwen, the Thalmor Ambassador, in their delegation. Your first decision will be whether to let Elenwen stay or whether to kick her out of the meeting, as demanded by Ulfric. He refuses to sit at the table with Elenwen. Either she walks, or he does.
What's the harm? Beside, Tullius doesn't want her here either (Favor Imperials)
You are right, the Thalmor has no business here. (Favor Stormcloaks)
Choose to let her stay. Ulfric will reuctantly agree but demand she only observe not directly participate in the negotiations. Elenwen will ask Ulfric why he is so hostile about the Thalmor. It is not them that are burning his farms and killing his sons.
Ulfric will give a speech on how he is only there to negotiate a temporary truce to help the Dragonborn, but nothing more, unless the empire is truly ready to renounce their unjust claim to rule over the free people of Skyrim. He considers even talking to the empire a generous gesture.
Arngeir will begin conducting the negotiations. Jarl Ulfric, General Tullius - This council is unprescendeted. We are all hear at the Dragonborn's request. All should respect the spirit of high Hrothgar and respect the will to achieve a lasting piece in Skyrim. He will ask who would like to begin the negotiations.
The next item in the negotation is the exchange of a major hold. Either the Stormcloaks will demand to get Markarth to their side, or the Imperials will demand Riften to be transferred under their control. The other side will be outraged. Legate Rikke will blame Ulfric in insulting the Greybeards by using the peace council to advance his own position. Elisif will also protest of handing over Markarth to that traitor. Tullius will say he will handle it. Arngeir will say that surely Ulfric doesnt expect something for nothing. Tullius will clarify that this council was not his idea and he personally thinks its a waste of time. He will accuse Ulfric of being a traitor to the empire, and deserving a traitor's death. But he at least negotiates in good faith. General Tullius asks you what you think Markarth is worth.
Markarth is a major hold for the Imperials, so reply accordingly:
You can say:
How about Riften? (Favor Imperials. Riften is a major hold)
Winterhold seems like a fair trade (Favor Stormcloak, as winterhold is a minor hold)
Say Riften, since that trade is more fair. Tullius agrees that the Rift would help secure their communications with Cyrodiil and threaten Ulfric's southern flank.
Ulfric will be furious. He expected better from the Dragonborn then to help the Empire at every turn. He stands up and threatens to leave. Tullius tells Ulfric he was always a fool, that he is no better in diplomacy then he is on the battlefield.
If instead you were to say Winterhold (Minor Hold) is a fair exchange for Markarth, General Tullius will be upset. Markarth is a major source of Skyrim's silver. Exchanging it for a small hold like Winterhold is clearly not fair. Riften seems like a more fair trade to him, easily resupplied, across from the river. You can say he asked for your opinion so you gave it to him, or you can try and PERSUADE him that there are advantages to be gained by holding Winterhold. But he will say it's not enough to outweigh the loss of Markarth. With the reach at the Stormcloak's hands, Solitude will be in danger. He will blame you that you are biased and a part of Ulfric's camp. But he will see that holding Winterhold would allow them to threaten the rebel supply lines out of Windhelm.
Esbern will stop them and give a speech. Are they so petty in their disagreements that they don't see the real threat? They are arguig about nothing while the fate of the lands lie on the balance. Delphine advices both sides to listen to what they have to say. The world eater has returned. He grows more powerful with every soldier slain in the war, for he devours on the soul of the dead. The speech will convince Ulfric to come back to the negotiation table. But he still is not happy with the terms. He wants Hjaalmarch to be surrendered to the Stormcloaks. He will tell you to decide:
I agree, the Empire should turn over Hjaalmarch (Favor the Stormcloak)
The Empire doesn't need to give any more territory (Favor the Imperials)
Since you surrendered Markarth in exchange for Riften, which was already a fair trade, you should say that the Empire doesn't need to give any more territory. Ulfric will be upset but will agree for the good of Skyrim.
If you had favored the Stormcloaks previously over the Empire, now the empire will demand compensation for the Massacre at Karthwasten. But Ulfric will deny the accusations about the massacre and tell Tullius that all the blood was on his hands. They will also want the Pale return to the Imperial's control.
Arngeir will declare that they have an agreement and read the terms of the negotations that were agreed. Markarth would be handed over to the Stormcloaks and the Jarl will step down. Stormcloaks will withdraw from the Rift and allow the imperials unhindered access. Maven Black-Briar will become the Jarl of Riften. He will ask if both parties agree to this. They both will replay that they can live with those terms until the Dragon Alduin is slain. Tullius will comment that Markarth was a heavy price to pay for the truce and that he hopes it is worth it.
Arngeir will turn to the Jarl of Whtiterun and ask him if he remembers the plan to trap the dragon. The Jarl will reply that he is ready to do his part. Just say the word, and his men will spring the trap. The difficulty remains, how to lure a dragon to Dragonsreach in the first place? Esbern will say he has a solution. He has identified one of the dragons that Alduin has raised from the dead. Ask him how it helps you. He will say that the names of dragons are always 3 words of power, shouts. If you shout them, he will hear you, wherever he might be. Ask him why would he come when called. He will say that dragons are proud by nature and won't refuse a challenge. Your voice will intrigue the dragon, especially after your victory over Alduin. It is very likely that the dragon will be unable to resist your call. Ask him what the dragon's name is. It is 'Od Ah Viing', or Winged Snow Hunter. He hands you over a scroll, and you learn the following shout:
Word of Power: Snow, Call Dragon
Word of Power: Hunter, Call Dragon
Word of Power: Wing, Call Dragon
If you haven't talked to Esbern or Delphine since completing Alduin's Bane, Delphine now approaches you. There is a problem. They have learned who the Greybeards leader is. Paarthurnax, the dragon that the Greybeards have been protecting all these years. Paarthurnax helped Alduin enslave their ancestors. He needs to die and it falls to you to kill him. This opens up the quest to kill Paarthurnax, which is an optional quest. If you kill Paarthurnax, you will lose the support of the Greybeards. If you don't kill him, you will lose the support of the Blades. Refer to the Paarthurnax Quest Walkthrough for more information.
The quest description for Season Unending has updated:
'The Jarl of Whiterun wouldn't help me capture a dragon as long as the civil war was raging. Arngeir agreed to host a peace council at High Hrothgar. With Esbern's help, I persuaded General Tulius and Ulfric Stormcloak to agree to a truce in order to defeat Alduin, who is a threat to both sides in the civil war'
This completes the quest 'Season Unending'. You now go back to Whiterun to proceed with the quest 'The Fallen'

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10 Responses to 'Skyrim Walkthrough Part 16: Season Unending'

said this on 30 Nov 2011 11:42:54 AM EST
Great guide! There is *one* small error though: All of the instructions here are correct, but for a perfectly neutral agreement (where Arngeir says in effect 'you did the best that could be done today' rather than 'you gave to much to the Imperials' or 'you gave too much to the Stormcloaks') you have to turn over Hjaalmarch. So the combo should be:
Keep Elenwen there
Stormcloaks get Markarth
Imperials get Riften
Stormcloaks get Hjaalmarch

While I agree that Hjaalmarch is far to much of a repayment for having some stupid Elf sit at the table, it's what the game sees as fair. If you look at the strategy maps around Skyrim before the council, you'll see that the Empire actually has more than the Stormcloaks, so that might be the reasoning, but who knows!
Happy dragon slaying!
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said this on 03 Dec 2011 3:32:16 AM EST
By the time of negotiations I had already joined the Legion and here were my Choices for a neutral truce.
1. Kick the Thalmor out
2.Give Markarth to Ulfric
3.Give Rift to Tullius
4. Make Ulfric Pay compensation for the massacre.
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said this on 15 Dec 2011 6:44:24 PM EST
I had a quest open to join the Imperial Legion. I had to finish it before General Tulius would even speak to me. At the negotiating table, it first tried to follow the instructions here. I made the ambassodor leave, even though the general didn't want me to. After I suggested Riften (making the general rather angry by doing so btw, complaining about how he expected better and how this is not a negotiation at all), the game went through a bug. I repeated and encountered the bug again. I tried a third time, this time letting the ambassador stay (even though they are just trying to pit the factions against one another and weakening the empire to benefit their own agenda). Ulfric was willing to stay. Until I offered Riften on a silver platter that is. Then, the game just stopped again and I had to reload, for the fourth time. I realize now the bug only occurs when trying to please my faction and only my faction.
I tried again, this time I got out of my seat as the negotation began. I repeated everything (I did the very first time). This time, when they all look to an NPC, that NPC got up. They just stared. I had to reload again.
Also there was no massacre.
Perhaps it was my fault not speaking to the Legate, there was still an arrow above her head. But I was unable to talk to her at the greybeard summit. I even tried handing over winterhold. It didn't help. All I can say is: Save often, save at various stages.
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said this on 19 Dec 2011 5:30:35 PM EST
Iv got a worse bug making it unable to complete the game, related to this. I have all the members in the room and sit on the chair to start it but it wont start the marker never goes away, it doesnt recongise that im sitting in chair, the only ideas i have about this bug are that i still have the speak to the greybeards one about helping call a truce and also the jaggered crown quest i have the crown but it wont let it me give it to ulfric.... anyone know a cure for this ? if so please email me on
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said this on 07 Jan 2012 9:30:47 PM EST
Hey Mark,
i was having this issue too, and tried a lot of different things. Finally, i tried sitting in the chair and Waiting. I waited until 8am (don't think the time or amount spent waiting really mattered) and as soon as I was done waiting, things started moving along again.
Good luck!
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said this on 27 Jan 2012 7:08:49 PM EST
I have a question when can you return to Civil war after you have done Season Unending quest ...i mean when can you start doing again ether of faction quests ?
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said this on 17 Feb 2012 5:49:02 PM EST
once you have returned to dragonsreach in whiterun and captured odahviing (the dragon) you will have to free him and let him take you to skuldofn which is the place that alduin is hiding. you have to fight your way through a tomb and get to the other side. once outside there will be a few draugr. MAKE SURE YOU KILL THEM FIRST! then go up the steps and fight the dragon preist. he is quite strong and deals a good deal of damage so get behing cover and use your arrows and your fire breath shout on him. he should be easyer to kill that way. once he is dead search him and take his dragon preist staff and place it on the platform he was doing some kind of ritual on when you first saw him then just jump into the portal. then you will be in sovenguard. make your way through and get to the hall of valor. there is a very big man in both strength and size. you must fight him but you dont need to kill him just use your fire breath shout on him and get a good couple of swings and he should let you in. meet the warriors and defeat alduin then you must talk to the big guy again and he will give you a new shout which enables you to call upon a warrior from sovenguard to figtht for you he will then send you back to the mortal world where you will see the epilogue. after that you can continue with the civil war quest line. hope this helped even if it did turn into a walkthrough.
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said this on 05 Mar 2012 7:11:56 AM EST
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said this on 15 Apr 2012 5:10:23 PM EST
Hey this guide is good but I don't have to option to tell Tullius or Ulfric that I have a message from the greybeards. The option just doesn't show up on the speech thing. I have completed the Jagged Crown and Message to Whiterun quests for the Stormcloaks and I was wondering if that mattered. Thanks.
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said this on 27 Apr 2013 9:50:12 PM EST
I am at the stormcloaks but galmar wont let me do the jagged crown quest please help
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Archive 1: Nov 2011 - Mar 2012
Archive 2: Apr 2012 - Aug 2013

Does refusing a demand change the score?[edit]

Here's some analysis of the mechanics that I have made (clean file, no civil war allegiances):

Phase 1 seems to be entirely as written on the main page. Elenwen staying/leaving gives one point to the faction the decision favors, Markarth is worth 2 for Stormcloak, Riften is worth 2 for imperials, Dawnstar only worth 1 (the speech check seems to be irrelevant to the negotiation beyond getting extra speechcraft XP). I can't get the phase 2 point spread to -2 Stormcloak since Ulfric auto-demands Markarth unless you've already joined him. Ulfric will only ever demand Falkreath in Phase 2, while Tullius will first demand Compensation for Karthwasten (which I havne't so much as visited on this save) and then Winterhold.

-1 Stormcloak: -> Falkreath handed over: Fair Deal -> Refuse Falkreath: Imperial-favored Deal, no other demands made

Even Score (Tullius makes demands): -> Compensation for Karthwasten: Fair Deal, Winterhold not mentioned. -> Refuse compensation, hand over Winterhold: Fair Deal -> Refuse both: Stormcloak-favored Deal

-1 Imperial: -> Compensation for Karthwasten: Fair Deal, Winterhold not mentioned. -> Refuse compensation, hand over Winterhold: Stormcloak-favored Deal

-2 Imperial: -> Must accept both Karthwasten and Winterhold for Fair Deal -> otherwise, Stormcloak-favored Deal.

From what I can tell (especially from the -1 Imperial and the even score sections) is that refusing the demand of Compensation for Karthwasten will tip the negotiations one point in the Stormcloaks' favor. At -1, refusing compensation yet accepting Winterhold will still result in a -1 offset in favor of the Stormcloaks, while an even score refusal of Karthwasten will result in Winterhold being demanded (in addition, Tullius switches to the -1 dialogue where he distrusts the Dragonborn's neutrality). — Unsigned comment by Toadofsteel (talk • contribs) at 19:52 on 10 February 2014 (GMT)

Meeting not starting[edit]

I can confirm that bug... I noticed it might be because Legate Rikke seems to up and leave High Hrothgar for no reason. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:51 on 19 March 2014‎

Thanks for the confirmation. I'll update the article. --XyzzyTalk 05:13, 19 March 2014 (GMT)

No Holds Exchanged[edit]

Just like in this archive post, I'm also getting no holds exchanged, only I'm on the Stormcloak side. I'll look into it more tomorrow (so far, my CK/console investigations have gotten me precisely nowhere), but I wanted to know if it's happened to anyone else and/or if there's any reason that this should happen that anyone's aware of. Robin Hood(talk) 06:42, 14 May 2014 (GMT)

It should happen if you've nearly completed the civil war questline, in which case the negotiations fail and this quest can't be completed, you have to finish the civil war in order to play through The Fallen. --Morrolan (talk) 17:29, 24 October 2014 (GMT)
Yes, I remember looking into it after that post, and I'm pretty sure that's what happened in my case, Morrolan. Apparently, I forgot to post back about it. Thanks for the response. Robin Hood(talk) 20:12, 24 October 2014 (GMT)

Question - getting the Stormcloaks to control Falkreath through negotiation.[edit]

Is it supposed to be possible to negotiate when playing as the Imperials that Falkreath Hold becomes Stormcloak controlled? Biffa (talk) 16:25, 11 June 2014 (GMT)

Yes, the how to is under the Allied with the Imperials header. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 16:28, 11 June 2014 (GMT)
How I read it, it should be the offered as a minor hold to help balance the sides, but what I've found on two separate games, one as the Imperials and one as the Stormcloaks. As Below: In both cases the only hold that has been fought over is Whiterun.
Playing as Imperials:
Elenwen stay = +1
The reach = -2
The rift = +2 or Winterhold +1
If choosing The rift = +2, it's not balanced, but the only options are to give Haaljmarch or The empire doesn't need to give up any more ::territory.
Playing as Stormcloaks:
Elenwen stay = +1
The rift = +2
The reach = -2 or Falkreath -1
If choose the Reach, it's not balanced, but the only options are to take Haaljmarch or The empire doesn't need to give up any more territory.
It doesn't make sense to me but I can't see what I am doing wrong. Biffa (talk) 17:11, 11 June 2014 (GMT)

Is the initial counter-offer choice randomized?[edit]

So, if I specifically want, say, Riften and Dawnstar, but they both get offered together at first, I only get to choose one plus potentially Winterhold. Is the choice randomized if i reload a save after the offer is made? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:02 on 30 June 2014‎

No Riften or Markarth is always a forced handover to the side you are not on. i.e if you are a Stormcloak, then the Imperials insist on Riften, and Stormcloaks insist on Markarth if you are on the Legions side. Then you get options to decide what is a fair trade. The other options are also preset as per the quest details. Biffa (talk) 01:44, 2 July 2014 (GMT)

Positive Elenwen Counts?[edit]

I just did a few play-throughs of the negotiations to see how things turned out. And in my view, I'm not convinced that getting Elenwen to leave counts as much as it is perhaps assumed. Either that, or Tullius defaults to being unreasonable unless you give him multiple holds.

The first attempt I did was stacked against the Imperials - they only got Winterhold and massacre compensation for both Markarth and making Elenwen leave.

Skyrim Peace Council Best Choices Questions

The second time was, in theory, balanced: I let Elenwen stay and gave the Imperials Winterhold, but they still sulked at the end and said it was unfair. That surely was a score of 0 - or 2 points for each?

Skyrim Peace Council Best Choices 2020

When I tried again, I let Elenwen stay, gave them Winterhold and the compensation and - unsurprisingly - Ulfric thought that was unfair for just Markarth.

The only way I was able to get it to even out was to make Elenwen leave, but then give the Imperials Winterhold and Dawnstar - as well as the compensation. That's 3 points each, or a final position of 0. This was accepted as fair by all.

So in my experience, either making Elenwen leave doesn't count for as much as assumed, or Tullius will be unhappy unless he gets multiple holds. Any thoughts? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:42 on 23 October 2014

As already noted, if it is a neutral treaty they will express disappointment, only a positive treaty gets a positive response. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 00:52, 24 October 2014 (GMT)
That's my point, though. I'm negotiating what should be a neutral treaty but it isn't actually working out that way. When things are level according to the scoring (when including Elenwen in the equation), Tullius still behaves as though it's slanted against him. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:57 on 24 October 2014
Elenwen stays or not affects whether to pay compensation or not. To be fair, if Elenwen stays, Ulfric doesn't have to pay compensation. If Elenwan leaves, Ulfric has to pay compensation to even things out. Ulfric then takes 1 major hold (Markath) even out Tulius taking 2 minor holds (Dawnstar and Winterhold). Thus eventually it is fair. That is why when initially you persuade Ulfric to let Elenwen stays would give them advantage later, and Ulfric agrees. That advantage is Ulfric doesn't have to pay compensation. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:55 on 2 December 2014 (GMT)

Rescue from Fort Kastav(quest) locked off, Legate Rank Unattainable[edit]

This is neither a glitch nor a bug, just a situation overlooked in the original game related to the Civil War questline. After completing Season Unending, during which the player successfully convinces Tullius to accept Winterhold in trade, the player is unable to achieve Legate rank. The Fort Kastav rescue mission in the Imperial side of the Civil War questline, which grants the rank of Legate when finished, is never given to the player because the Legion already occupies Winterhold. 19:39, 24 November 2014 (GMT)

To be fair (with Arngeir's comment)[edit]

To be fair to all parties, this is one of the way to do it (I knew this even before I knew about the score from this page):

Don't join Imperial or Stormcloak first. Let Elenwen stays. Ulfric will take Markath (major hold). When Tulius asks for Riften or Dawnstar/Winterhold (either one of this, normally it is Dawnstar) in return, don't give him Riften (major hold), give him Dawnstar/Winterhold (minor hold). Tulius will ask Ulfric for massacre compensation, don't agree with him. Tulius will be disappointed, and finally asks for Winterhold/Dawnstar (either one of this, normally it is Winterhold). Give him Winterhold. Tulius would say something like I knew I can count on you.

After this, everyone will be pleased as it is fair. If you talk to Arngeir after the meeting, Arngeir will comment that you are fair as well (forgot what he actually says.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:26 on 2 December 2014 (GMT)

Vignar the Uninvited[edit]

I've sided with the Imperials and decided to walk up to earn the Voice of the Sky effect by reading the etchings as I go. When I neared the top I could see both Esbern and Delphine arriving, but also Vignar Gray-Mane leaving and beginning to walking back down. Firstly is this normal and also if you sided with the Stormcloaks would you meet Balgruuf as he leaves? I presume the arrival of Esbern and co. is automatically just before you, as it was several days ago I spoke to General Tullis and several before that, that I spoke to Jarl Ulfric. Cheers. Biffa (talk) 00:48, 11 January 2015 (GMT)

I can't confirm the exact behaviour in-game, though I know I've seen people arriving or leaving before. Looking at the packages that get added to Vignar and Balgruuf for Season Unending, it looks like this is normal behaviour. Either should leave at Stage 300 of the quest. Vignar will head for the Palace of the Kings. Balgruuf is only scripted to head just outside High Hrothgar; I suspect his regular packages would kick in once he gets there and send him wherever he should be at that point. As far as arrivals, I only looked at Esbern, but it looks like he should travel to the exterior of High Hrothgar as soon as you get the objective to 'Talk to Arngeir'. After that, he would wait there until you got close to High Hrothgar, at which point, he'd move inside. If you mountain-climbed your way around the trigger, he'd probably just stand there like an idiot. :Þ I assume entering High Hrothgar would trigger later quest stages and fix that. Robin Hood(talk) 01:32, 11 January 2015 (GMT)
Thanks for checking. Biffa (talk) 12:44, 14 January 2015 (GMT)

Massacre at Karthwasten[edit]

After many play throughs and searching online, I have never come across a case where any massacre occurred that wasn't at Karthwasten. This article states that multiple locations are possible on both sides. I do not believe this to be accurate and am convinced that Karthwasten is the only possibility in the released version of the game. I know that dialogue apparently exists for other locations but it looks like they were either removed prior to release or never fully implemented. Has anyone EVER come across a compensation request for an alternate location in game? If not I feel the article should be edited accordingly.

Also has anyone had a situation where Karthwasten was not mentioned (other than where the Stormcloaks are making the final requests)? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:55 on 12 March 2015 (GMT)

Phase Two Options[edit]

Per the older discussion, Can't Offer Winterhold, I don't believe it's ever possible to offer either Falkreath when sided with the Imperials or Winterhold when sided with the Stormcloaks. I can confirm that I'm not offered Winterhold on the Stormcloak side no matter what. Regardless of pro-Stormcloak choices up to that point, the negotiations invariably conclude after Dawnstar is discussed. In support of this theory, the game code suggests that trading Falkreath or Winterhold should have been possible only under certain conditions where a massacre occurred somewhere other than Karthwasten. However, massacres anywhere else were removed from the game, as mentioned in the topic above this one and on the Civil War page.

This effectively means that The Battle for Fort Kastav can only be triggered if you come into the negotations neutral and later side with the Stormcloaks, or come in with the Imperials prior to completing The Jagged Crown but then turn coat and give the crown to the Stormcloaks. Similarly, on the Imperial side, since trading Falkreath seems not to be an option, I believe the only way to trigger The Battle for Fort Neugrad is to side with the Stormcloaks initially, give Falkreath to them during negotations, then turn coat and join the Imperials during The Jagged Crown.

Does anyone have any insight into any of this? Robin Hood(talk) 07:07, 9 March 2016 (UTC)

I can confirm that while sided with Stormcloaks ,Winterhold was requested by the Imperials. Chris41975 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:47 on 4 October 2016 (UTC)
What point were you at in the Stormcloak quest? I don't remember for sure, but I believe it 'doesn't count' if you haven't passed a certain point yet. Robin Hood(talk) 19:10, 5 October 2016 (UTC)
I did once get Falkreath offered as well. I was on the Stormcloak side, but hadn't started the civil war questline at all (I think I may have killed the ice wraith, but that was it). It's very rare though. --Morrolan (talk) 14:50, 20 November 2016 (UTC)
I can confirm Falkreath is offered: Neutral start. Agreed to keep the Thalmor in the meeting. Gave Riften to the Imperials. Immediately following(skipping the whole second phase for some reason), Falkreath was given to Ulfric. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:45 on 9 March 2018 (UTC)

Skyrim Peace Council Best Choices List

I was able to have Ulfric ask for Falkreath while I was sided with the Imperials.
I wanted it traded to the Stormcloaks in order to obtain Lakeview Manor, due to a complication with the Dark Brotherhood Kill Helvard quest.
My preconditions were that I had sided with the Imperials initially, I had completed The Jagged Crown for the Imperials and had just started Message to Whiterun, but had not given the message from Tullius to Jarl Balgruuf yet. All holds were with their default allegiances.
During Council, I reached Phase 2 where Ulfric demanded a minor hold by doing the following: Keep Elenwen, choose Riften during Phase 1 from choice between Riften and a minor hold. This forced Phase 2.
During Phase 1, I got offered Riften or Winterhold, and during Phase 2, Ulfric requested Morthal as the minor hold. Rejecting Morthal ended the council meeting with Ulfric reluctantly accepting the deal. Falkreath was not requested. I tried many times reloading a save right before taking my seat at the council. I repeated the above choices, thinking perhaps it was random, but it was always Riften/Winterhold in Phase 1 and Morthal in Phase 2. For that matter, no series of responses ever got Falkreath requested by the Stormcloaks.
So I dug into the Creation Kit. I'm no expert with this software, but I found that the locations to be traded are set not during the council, but right after both Tullius and Ulfric agree to attend the council meeting, when you get the objective to Talk to Arngeir. And the choice of the minor holds does seem to be random.
I had been reloading after the locations were already determined apparently. So I reloaded a save from before both parties agreed to attend the meeting. This time, after keeping Elenwen, in Phase 1, I got the choice of Riften/Dawnstar. Choosing Riften, I got Morthal in Phase 2. I reloaded again. Same choices, same holds offered: Riften/Dawnstar and Morthal. Reloaded again. Finally, Riften/Winterhold and Falkreath. So if you want different trades, reload an earlier save. The locations are random but are determined earlier than you may think. 08:43, 8 May 2018 (UTC)
Confirming what the above said. The point system didn't work at all for this; there appears to be a bug. Tullius got angry/said this isn't fair, then said never mind, this is the fairest we'll get--without going into 'phase two.' Instead, I kept Elenwen in, gave Riften over, and then Falkreath was offered to Ulfric. Very strange, and doesn't seem to follow the article's guide at all. I was neutral, having not sided with either side nor started the Civil War quests.-- 12:20, 7 June 2019 (UTC)

What determines which Stormcloak minor hold (either Dawnstar or Winterhold) gets demanded in round one?[edit]

As an Imperial, your alternative to demanding Riften in the first round of negotiations is one of two minor holds: Dawnstar or Winterhold. The other can be demanded in round two, if necessary. However, the page doesn't explain what circumstances cause one or the other to show up first. Anyone here know? 16:46, 22 March 2017 (UTC)

As far as anyone can tell, it's random, and probably determined during game initialization. --Morrolan (talk) 12:24, 25 March 2017 (UTC)

Positive/Negative Values In Tables[edit]

This isn't the first time someone has tried to change the negative values to positive in the various tables in the article. Would it make more sense to change them all to positive values, then change the text in the tables to match (i.e., 'if Stormcloak value is higher than Imperial value')? Robin Hood(talk) 03:32, 2 May 2017 (UTC)

I think positive/negative gives a clear and certain way to work out the details. Going all positive would probably see less intervention on the page, but more 'I'm confused' messages on the talk page. There is also the matter of (currently) 0 figures that translate into 'if the numbers are level' that favor either side at certain times, given that the you cannot do this as a truly neutral character. Also the game uses positive/negative to 'Track the relative position of the negotiations' from a starting 0, so if it works for Bethesda it should work for us. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 17:57, 2 May 2017 (UTC)
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