Travel Information Manual
The IATA Travel Centre delivers accurate passport, visa and health requirement information at a glance. One-stop shop for everything you need to know before you go When searching for travel information online, its important to know that your source is accurate, reliable and - more importantly - up-to-date. B2B & B2C SOLUTIONS: Amadeus: '.with more and more people planning international trips online, the Timaticweb solution offers travellers a fully dynamic solution for the all-important but often-forgotten visa and health information.'
(redirected from Travel Information Manual)
Acronym | Definition |
TIM | Timothy |
TIM | Technical Interchange Meeting |
TIM | Transient Intermodulation Distortion |
TIM | This Is Me |
TIM | Time in Motion (band) |
TIM | Telecom Italia Mobile (Italian cellular provider) |
TIM | The Incredible Machine |
TIM | Technology in Motion (various organizations) |
TIM | The Invisible Man (movie) |
TIM | Time Is Money |
TIM | Thermal Interface Material |
TIM | Technology and Innovation Management (various organizations) |
TIM | Traffic Incident Management |
TIM | Thornburg Investment Management (est. 1982; Santa Fe, NM) |
TIM | Technicien(ne) de l'Information Médicale |
TIM | Telephone Interface Module (various companies) |
TIM | Traffic Impact Mitigation (California) |
TIM | Thermal Insulation Material |
TIM | The Interactive Museum |
TIM | Temporary International Mechanism |
TIM | Travel Industry Marketing (Hawaii Pacific University) |
TIM | Terminal Information Message |
TIM | Time Interface Management |
TIM | Telecommunications Interchange Markup |
TIM | Transient Intermodulation |
TIM | Telephony Interface Manager |
TIM | Tivoli Identity Manager |
TIM | Traffic Information Memory |
TIM | Taman Ismail Marzuki (Indonesian musician) |
TIM | Tivoli Identity Manager (IBM) |
TIM | Total Infant Mortality |
TIM | Telecommunications, Internet, and Media (committee; American Chamber of Commerce in Germany eV) |
TIM | Triose-Phosphate Isomerase (biochemistry) |
TIM | Time Meter |
TIM | Tiako i Madagasikara (I Love Madagascar, political party) |
TIM | Technology in Management, Ltd. (Malta) |
TIM | Trace Identifier Mismatch |
TIM | Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement |
TIM | Total International Migration (Office for National Statistics; UK) |
TIM | Toxic Industrial Material |
TIM | Total Irradiance Monitor |
TIM | Total Internet Marketing |
TIM | The Information Mine |
TIM | Traffic Indication Map (WiFi 802.11) |
TIM | Technion Institute of Management (Israel) |
TIM | Travel Information Manual (IATA manual) |
TIM | Tempe in Motion (Arizona) |
TIM | Teens in Mission |
TIM | Technical Infrastructure Monitoring (CERN) |
TIM | Transformation of Installation Management (US Army) |
TIM | Technical Information Memorandum |
TIM | Territorio Indígena Multiétnico (Spanish: Multiethnic Indigenous Territory; Bolivia) |
TIM | Transformation of Installation Management (fka Centralized Installation Management, CIM) |
TIM | Topical Immunomodulator |
TIM | Total Integrated Maintenance (various companies) |
TIM | Technical Information Manager |
TIM | Tire Inflation Monitor (General Motors) |
TIM | Technical Integration Manager |
TIM | Translocase of Inner Membrane |
TIM | Thermal Imaging Module |
TIM | Tivoli Intrusion Manager (IBM) |
TIM | Total Improvement Management |
TIM | Technical Interface Meeting |
TIM | Training Implementation Matrix |
TIM | Time Interval Meter |
TIM | Titre d'Ingénieur Maître (French) |
TIM | Tactical Internet Model |
TIM | Theater Information Management |
TIM | Technical Information Meeting |
TIM | Transmitter Intermodulation |
TIM | Transmission Interface Module |
TIM | Terminal Input Message |
TIM | Telephony Integration Manager (Intel) |
TIM | Teams in Mission |
TIM | Test Instrument Module |
TIM | Theater Information Manager |
TIM | Ten-Inch Instrument Manipulator |
TIM | Transaction Incident Management (IT security) |
TIM | TCP/IP Inverse Multiplexing Protocol |
TIM | TEMENOS Implementation Methodology |
TIM | Tie-In Manifold |
TIM | Total Injury Management |
TIM | Thermally Induced Martensite |
TIM | TEMPEST Information Message |
TIM | Technically Impossible Maneuver |
TIM | Time Integrity Module |
TIM | TNM Integration Module (Sprint) |
TIM | Trunk Interface Multiplexer |
TIM | Test Injector Machine |
TIM | Transverse Isolation Module |
TIM | Token/Net Interface Module |
TIM | Transmitter Intermediation |
TIM | Tapestry Information Manager (Tapestry Solutions, Inc) |
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