Skirmish 8 Lords Mobile

  1. Lords Mobile Skirmish 8 T2
  2. How Many Troops For Skirmish 8 Lords Mobile

Dec 17, 2018 HephBot Hephbot is a bot for Lords Mobile help on the free messaging app Line. This AMAZING tool is available as a Line friend. Once you're friends with it, just type help and it'll give you the menu for options. Any word marked with a. is a keyword. Typing a keyword as a chat message will give you a response. Lords Mobile: Prepare to enter a world of chaos in Lords Mobile, a real-time, competitive strategy game. Build up your empire, collect exotic Heroes, train your troops, and battle your way to the top! Even in this dog-eat-dog world, perhaps you’ll find an alliance within a. This is a list of skirmishes that have occurred in the Milky Way galaxy between the Tau'ri and Ori during the Great Enlightenment. 1 Meeting the Ori 2 Skirmish on P8X-412 3 Skirmish on P9G-844 4 Standoff on Chulak 5 Skirmish on Ver Isca 6 Skirmish on P9C-882 7 Ori attack on Alternate Earth 8 Illac Renin bombings of Dar Eshkalon 9 Assassination of Arkad 10 Illac Renin attack on Earth 11 SG-1's.


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Posted on 2016-05-10 08:28:58 Posted from Mobile Version Show thread starter's posts only

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Gawaingod's Level 1-46 Strategy Guide for free-to-play players
This guild will highlight some important points to rush leveling from castle 1 to castle 17 which will give you access to build tier 3 troops and the treasure trove. This strategy is purely on foundation with nothing about war as you are too weak at this stage to engage in battles.

Points to take note before you start playing this game

  • Firstly, this game is not a race, its a marathon. Do not expect to reach player level 60 and castle 25 in anything less than 6 months if you plan to be a free to play player.

  • Secondly, the 1st week of this game requires you to be very active as waiting times are short.

  • Thirdly, you wont be ready for battle until you have played for at least 3 months.

Phase 1 - Basic Foundation ( Level 1-25 )
1.1) Join a guild. This will give you access to to help. Help very important in cutting down research and building times. The amount of time cut is a % of the total remaining time. If gets a lot more useful at higher levels when tasks take weeks to complete. Try to join a guild in your country/ region / timezone. This is great as majority of your guiild members are online at the same time. At higer levels, you can get more than 20 helps in minutes as opposed to international guilds that can take a few hours.
Skirmish 8 lords mobile1.2) Help other guild members, these will give you up to 40000 guild coins a day. These guild coins are more valueable than gems. And unlike many other games, these allow you to purchase many useful cash shop items. Dont spend any of the guild coins, save it for when you are higher level. You will thank me in the future.
1.3)Gems - These are cash currency. This game is quite generous and gives outs a substantial amount. After spending whatever gems you need to reach vip 8 ( see below 1.4 ) SAVE ALL OTHER GEMS, You will need 10000 gems for treasure trove ( will come to that at the end of the guide )
1.4)VIP level. This games gives free vip points to increase vip level. If you can wait, the game gives free vip points for every daily consecutive login you do. Up to 600 points a day. However, I suggest you spend some of the free gems that you get through linking the game, events, maintainence rewards. I suggest you spend some of the free gems to get to vip 8 ( 8000 points ) as soon as possible. This will allow you to auto complete all the guild and admin quest. These give bonus resources, player xp, guild coins, and most importantly relic-making materials every 6 hrs. Auto-complete allows you to get all these goodies instantly if you cant be permanently online.
1.5)Talents. Max the following talents in this order.
Construction speed 1 > Research speed 1 > Training speed 1.
1.6)Buildings and Traps
Build more barracks if you are going to be AFK for long periods
Build more manors if you can babysit the game.
Level castle to lvl 9
Level academy to lvl 9
Build all the tier 1 (T1) traps you can.
1.7)Troops Training -
Build many troops and clear skirmish 1-5.
Scout the skirmish and it will advise you what troops to focus on for each particular skirmish.
Im not going to go into details on this one as its all pretty easy.
Research infantry defense 1&2
Research siege toughness 1&2
Research ranged defense 1&2
Research cavalry defense1&2
These 4 are important to focus on first, so you wont be stuck when you want to start researching tier 2 ( T2 ) troops as soon as your academy reaches level 9.
After these are done, the other important researches at this level whihc are : construction speed and traps.
Construction hero is free (sage of storm)
Research hero is The trickster ( 2-6 elite )

Lords Mobile Skirmish 8 T2

If you really want to build a good foundation, you can go either :
Construction speed based : Make sage of storm legendary
Research speed based : Make Trickster legendary Lords
1.10) Colosseum
I gotta be honest with you, this is a cash players area. At level 46, it is highly unlikely you will be in the top 2000. Just try to get within rank 2000-3000 as soon as possible so you can get 160gems per day.

Phase 2 - Getting castle 17 and unlocking the treasure trove ( Level 26 - 46 )

2.1) Reset hero talent ( 90k guild coins ) Put max points in this order : construction speed 1 >research speed 1 > research speed 2 > construction speed 2 > Training speed 1 > Training speed 2 ( this will be done at level 46 )
Once research speed talents are maxed, start researching t2 unit ( This should be a lot faster, now that you have +105% research speed )
2.2) Research in this order
All the T2 troops > up to construction speed 5 > infantry health 1&2 > siege durability 1&2 > ranged health 1&2 > cavalry health 1&2 > T2 traps > T1 and T2 Trap recovery
2.3) Traps
Build T2 traps and replace the T1 ones.
2.4) Buildings
Build 3 - 4 barracks, 2-3 infirmaries, the rest manors ( you get more slots for manors when you clear skirmish 7 )
2.5) Troops
You only need to build enough to clear the skirmishes. Once you unlock tier 3 troops you wont want your T2 troops anymore.
2.6) Skirmishes
Below is the bare minimum, losses are reasonable. Train more or use +25% atk boost to reduce losses
Skirmish 6 - 8k Sharpshooter, 5k reptilian riders, 2k catapults.
Skirmish 7 - 12k Gladiators, 12k sharpshooters, 12k reptilian riders, 10k catapults.
Keep building troops until you reach castle 17. Dont bother clearing skirmish 8 until you have completed your castle 17, as you wont be able to use the building it unlocks anyway.
Skirmish 8 - 16k Gladiators, 16k sharpshooters, 16k reptilian riders, 16k catapults.
2.7) Treasure Trove
If you followed this guide and didnt spend any gems on nonsense. You should have 10k gems by now or somewhere close to that. What the treasure trove level 1 does is : You put in 10k gems and 30days later, almost 19k gems comes out. The minimum is 10k gems, this is why, this guide advises that you save all gems.
2.8) Gathering and forging relics.
I havent mentioned anything about relics in the earlier parts of the guide as really good ones are only wearable at level 40 - Sentinel's Circlet and the Lunar Flute.
If you completed your admin and guide quests every 6 hrs, you should have enough to make 2 circlets and 2 flutes. Other ways to getting relic materials, is through gathering the appropriate resource tile. i usually send 3 waves of troops to gather 50k rss each.
At level 38-39,Start to Forge 1 flute and 1 circlet. Upgrade it as much as you can. Make sure this is ready before you reach level 40.
Pro-tip : Equip circlet before any construction and equip flute before any research, this will save you hours in the long run.
Phase 3 - What after castle 17 ? (level 46 -60 )
3.1) Build workshop 17 . When you complete workshop 17, this will open a new accessory slot. You will need to start planning to forge another 1 circlet and 1 flute before that.
3.2) Build Academy 17. When you complete that you can start researching T3 troops.
3.3) Build a HUGE ARMY OF T3 TROOPS.
3.4) Look forward to the next few months of (torturous) gathering about 1 billion resources to upgrade your castle to level 25.

You have come to the end of the guide. Good luck and dont bully newbies. Remember we were all newbies at one stage.

More Spotlight

Are you in a hurry to unlock skirmish 8 in Lords Mobile?

Do you want to open it as early as possible but are afraid you might lose because of the Tier 3 and Tier 4 troops inside?

You realize you need to clear this part (Sacred Soil) of your turf.

You may have read somewhere or learned from your friend or guildmate that you need this space for building important admin and familiar buildings like prison, altar, spring, mystic spire and gym.

Unlocking Skirmish 8 in Lords Mobile is not really that hard even though there are epic heroes inside it.

You just need to train a good number of troops at around 65-70K of mixed tier 2 (T2) and tier 1 (T1) troops.

The enemy has mostly T4 and T3 troops. But don’t be afraid. You can easily defeat it with bigger numbers.

Battle Info

The turf has a might of 650,700.


The heroes deployed are Death Knight, Oath Keeper, Sage or Storms, Snow Queen, and the formidable Rose Knight. They are all epic heroes but that should not intimidate you.


How Many Troops You Need to Clear Skirmish 8

All you need is just at least 50K T2 troops.

Yes. That’s it.

If you’re in a hurry to advance in this game, you need at least 50,000 T2 troops to capture the sacred soil at the soonest time possible.

Skirmish 8 Battle Video

Watch demo video below to see how I’ve done it:

How Many Troops For Skirmish 8 Lords Mobile

As you have seen from the demo video, you may get defeated on the first battle phase with 50K troops.

So if you want to ensure a one-shot win, you may have to train more soldiers until you have at leat 60,000 T2 troops. 70K if mixed with Tier 1 soldiers.

NOTE: The Lord’s Mobile account I used for the video demo has over 90K T1 and T2 troops. In the video, I have to limit the number to 50K T2 just to show you that it’s possible to finish this skirmish with that number.

You don’t need to do that on your actual account.

If you have 90K troops, you may deploy all of it and you can easily overrun each battle phase with ease.