Rimworld No Trade Ships

Occasionally trade ships may arrive during the event, and it is wise to check out the Comms Console or risk getting the 'they left' notification while unaware of their presence. Because the solar flare event is short, most of these adverse effects are limited and often manageable. It lasts from 0.15 to 0.5 days. Ships will visit your colony, preferring landing pads (either from royalty expansion, or landing zone designation added by this mod), and trade with you just like visiting caravans, without the need for trade beacons or comm console. Trader ships are meant to replace orbital traders, but you can set both to be active in settings. 1.1 Bug - No trade ships? Bug (Vanilla) I have a comms console built, but it's been months and months and I haven't gotten a single trade ship passing. Are these bugged not to appear? Docile Mechanoid Moderator of r/RimWorld, speaking officially 1 point 5 months ago.

Orbital trade beacon

Required for orbital trading. You can only sell goods that are near an orbital trade beacon. It can be placed indoors.

Miscellaneous – Trade
1 ˣ 1
Market Value
111 [Note]
5 kg
- 40W
Cover Effectiveness
Work To Make
800 ticks (13.33 secs)
Resources to make
40 + 1
Deconstruct yield

An Orbital trade beacon structure required for orbital trading.


Constructon cost, skill and research?

Rimworld No Trade Ships


Rimworld Orbital Trading

Orbital trade beacon range.

To initiate the trade a ship must be in range, which a colonist can communicate with using the comms console. All silver and tradeable items within range of a beacon will then be available for trade. Payment towards factions for whatever reason also requires silver near beacons.

Rimworld No Trade Ships

Trade beacons will work under a roof. Solid walls and separate rooms will break the area of influence of a trade beacon, however support columns for larger rooms don't block its effect. Items purchased from a trader will be dropped within range of a beacon if unroofed, otherwise they will be dropped as close to the beacon as possible, avoiding the roofs.

Unroofed beacons can be used to designate the area where goods will be dropped, as the trader will prioritize dropping goods within the area of effect of the beacon.Drop pod raiders will also preferentially drop near an unroofed beacon.

Trade beacons do not need to be placed in range of your comms console. You can place them wherever you want throughout your colony.

Version History

  • 0.3.410 - Landing pad replaced by Orbital Trade Beacon.


  • Original landing pad sprite

Caravan packing spot • Grave • Marriage spot • Party spot • Sarcophagus • Tool cabinet
Comms console • Cryptosleep casket • Firefoam popper • Ground-penetrating scanner • Long-range mineral scanner • Moisture pump • Multi-analyzer • Orbital trade beacon • Pod launcher • Stele (Large, Grand) • Transport pod • Vitals monitor

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Comms console

Allows radio contact with remote traders as well as other factions for trade and diplomacy.

Miscellaneous – Trade
3 ˣ 2
Market Value
365 [Note]
- 200W
Work To Make
2,200 ticks (36.67 secs)
Resources to make
120 + 4
Deconstruct yield
90 + 3

A comms console is used to trade with passing interstellar trader vessels or for communicating with other factions, and is locked behind the microelectronics basics research. You will not receive any notifications about passing trade ships until it is built or if the electric power is cut off due to solar flare. It cannot be reinstalled.

A comms console not under a roof will cause shorts during rain or snow. Take care with placement outdoors, despite them being depicted with satellite dishes on top.


Select a colonist and right-click the comms console.


Ordering a colonist to use the console will bring up a menu showing the available factions or trade ships.

When interacting with an allied faction, you can request trade caravans from them. Doing so will cost 15 goodwill and brings up a menu asking which type of trade caravan is desired. After a caravan has been requested, you can make another petition after 4 days.

In addition, you can request immediate military aid from allied factions. This costs 25 goodwill. Only outlanders will send reinforcements in the form of drop pods, while tribes will politely decline.

Caravan packing spot • Grave • Marriage spot • Party spot • Sarcophagus • Tool cabinet
Comms console • Cryptosleep casket • Firefoam popper • Ground-penetrating scanner • Long-range mineral scanner • Moisture pump • Multi-analyzer • Orbital trade beacon • Pod launcher • Stele (Large, Grand) • Transport pod • Vitals monitor

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