Putty Ymodem File Transfer

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  3. Putty Ymodem File Transfer

Error Loading boot image from flash

I brought a new hardware (connected through USB as /dev/ttyUSB0). I need to transfer a binary os.bin file through serial. The hardware has a inbuilt UART driver. I downloaded putty & couldn't see any file transfer method in the options. But I do see file transfer options in Teraterm, but many: kermit, X,Y & ZMODEM, Quick Van and B-Plus. I brought a new hardware (connected through USB as /dev/ttyUSB0). I need to transfer a binary os.bin file through serial. The hardware has a inbuilt UART driver. I downloaded putty & couldn't see any file transfer method in the options. But I do see file transfer options in Teraterm, but many: kermit, X,Y & ZMODEM, Quick Van and B-Plus.

Jun 25, 2015 ExtraPuTTY v0.29-RC2 compile with putty 0.64 June-25-2015. (general file transfer sessions with FTP. Discontinued FS#98 - implement zmodem like ymodem wihtout. The best way to pass a file through xmodem is to use sx. In debian this application is part of 'lrzsz' package. In debian: apt-get install screen lrzsz screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 Then press Ctrl-A followed by: and type: exec!! Sx yourbinary.bin This will send the file to ttyUSB0 over xmodem protocol. PuTTY xmodem transfering file integration-Send File - Launch rx binary luasenddata('rx -X u-boot.bin',true);- Upload file luaxmodemsnd('D: 00Share u-boot.bin.

Loading 'flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE7/c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE7.bin'...flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE7/c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE7.bin: no such file or directory
Error loading 'flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE7/c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE7.bin'
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
TransferLoading 'flash:/c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin'...@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Error loading 'flash:/c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin'
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Boot process failed...
The system is unable to boot automatically. The BOOT
environment variable needs to be set to a bootable

Download Tera Term and Download device image e.g c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin from Cisco_website
Change Baud rate, both switch and Tera Term for optimum transfer
change Baud rate for optimam transfer, both at switch and Tera Term
switch: set BAUD 57600
Tera Terma
switch: copy xmodem: flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin

Tera Term: File -> Transfer -> Xmodem -> Send and choose the file that you wish the transfer.

It takes many hours to copy

switch: copy xmodem: flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin
Begin the Xmodem or Xmodem-1K transfer now...
C............................................................................... ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ .............................................................................
File 'xmodem:' successfully copied to 'flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin'

Xmodem Transfer Download

Change BAUD RATE back to normal 9600

switch: set BAUD 9600

switch: boot flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin

switch: boot flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin
Loading 'flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin'...@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ........
File 'flash:c3750-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin' uncompressed and installed, entry point: 0x1000000
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco IOS Software, C3750 Software (C3750-IPBASEK9-M), Version 12.2(55)SE9, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 03-Mar-14 22:44 by prod_rel_team
FileImage text-base: 0x01000000, data-base: 0x02D00000
Initializing flashfs...


flashfs[1]: 6 files, 1 directories
flashfs[1]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[1]: Total bytes: 15998976
flashfs[1]: Bytes used: 12154368
flashfs[1]: Bytes available: 3844608
flashfs[1]: flashfs fsck took 1 seconds.
flashfs[1]: Initialization complete....done Initializing flashfs.

Putty Ymodem File Transfer

Checking for Bootloader upgrade.. not needed
Alternative Cisco Switch Recovery
  • 24/11/17
incomesoftbox.bitballoon.com› Putty Xmodem File Transfer ▼

How do I upgrade the firmware on an APC Network Management Card NMC or NMC embedded device Rack PDU, etc Issue. You wish to upgrade your Network Management Cards NMC firmware or have been instructed to. You have a device such as a Rack PDU, AV unit, or environmental monitoring unit with an embedded NMC that you wish to upgrade. You had a problem with a previous upgrade attempt and need the instructions in order to correct it. Your device came pre loaded with the wrong application and you need to load the correct application. Product Line. WebSNMP Card AP9. Devices with an embedded WebSNMP Card include but are not limited to Environmental Monitoring Unit 1 AP9. TH. Network Management Card 1 AP9. This document explains how to use the xmodem command at the console to download Cisco IOS software using the ROM monitor ROMmon. Putty Xmodem File Transfer' />AP9. AP9. 61. Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 1 include but are not limited to MeteredSwitched Rack PDUs AP7. XX, AP7. 9XX, Rack Automatic Transfer Switches AP7. XX, Environmental Monitoring Units AP9. AP9. 34. 0, Netbotz 2. Mobipocket Cab. View and Download BinTec RS353j user manual online. RS Series. RS353j Network Hardware pdf manual download. If youve recently upgraded to Windows 7 and are wondering what happened to HyperTerminal, youre not alone HyperTerminal was a sweet little program that. Network Management Card 2 AP9. CH, AP9. 63. 13. CH, AP9. CHDevices with an embedded Network Management Card 2 include but are not limited to 2. G MeteredSwitched Rack PDUs AP8. XX, AP8. 6XX, AP8. XX, AP8. 9XX, Rack Automatic Transfer Switches AP4. XX, Certain AudioVideo Network Management Enabled products, Smart UPS Online SRT. Environment. All serial numbers. All firmware versions unless otherwise notedCause. Users may wish to upgrade their firmware to take advantage of enhancements, bug fixes, or new features. Also, sometimes a firmware upgrade can be interrupted or fail and these instructions can be followed to remedy the problem. Typically, these upgrades do not require the device the Network Management Card is installed in to be powered down or cause unnecessary downtime. Lastly, downgrades are not typically recommended but the manual methods can also be used to do those in certain circumstances. Note For users upgrading or downgrading their Network Management Card 2 device from v. X. X to v. 6. X. X, please review knowledge base FA1. Resolution. When upgrading the firmware on your Network Management Card NMC, you will need to determine which files pertain to your application. Begin by determining what model of NMC you have. AP9. 60. 6 Web SNMP Management Card. AP9. 61. 7, AP9. 61. AP9. 61. 9 Network Management Card. AP9. 63. 0, AP9. 63. AP9. 63. 5 Network Management Card 2. AP9. 60. 3, AP9. 60. Token Ring Adapter, SNMP adapter no updates available. These instructions can also be used in devices that have embedded mini versions of the above Network Management Cards. If you are interested in upgrading multiple devices at a time, refer to knowledge base FA1. If you have an AP9. Symmetra PX 2. 505. Network Management Card 2 but MUST contact APC Technical Support in order to obtain the correct firmware and special instructions. Next, determine which device you have the Web SNMPNetwork Management Card installed in. For example, if you have the Network Management Card installed in a UPS, you need to determine which UPS you have. APC offers several different UPS families. Some of these families include. Smart UPSMatrix. Symmetra 1 phase Symmetra, Symmetra Rackmount, Symmetra LXSymmetra 3 phase Symmetra PXSymmetra PX 2. VASilconot supported on the NMC2 platform. Select the correct UPS or device type. Next, go to the Firmware Upgrades Network Management Card section on the software downloads page. A link to the software downloads page is below http www. Putty Xmodem File Transfer' />Release Notes for the Catalyst 3750, 3560, 2975, 2960S, and 2960 Switches, Cisco IOS Release 12. SE and Later. The SSH client ZOC is a modern terminal emulator for Windows and macOS, featuring many emulations vt220, xterm, tn3270. It supports. For example, if you have a Smart UPS 7. SUA7. 50, then you will choose Network Management Card v. X. X firmware executable for Smart UPS and Matrix wAP9. Network Management Card v. X. X firmware executable for Smart UPS wAP9. Network Management Cards with the SKU of AP9. AP9. 61. 8, or AP9. Sengoku Rance With English Patch. X and Network Management Card 2 units with the SKU of AP9. AP9. 63. 1 use version 5. X or 6. X firmware. The correct firmware for each platform must be used and they are not interchangeable. Click on the download link on the right hand side of the page. Proceed through the menus and download the firmware executable. Once you have the firmware downloaded, then you can proceed with the upgrade. Please note, AP9. APC public FTP site here. You will need to download the AOS file and then the appropriate application for your type of device. There are different ways that you can upload the firmware for each device. Please choose a method that works best for you. Note For users upgrading or downgrading their Network Management Card 2 device from v. X. X to v. 6. X. X, please review knowledge base FA1. If you have an AP9. Symmetra PX 2. 505. Network Management Card 2 but MUST contact APC Technical Support in order to obtain the correct firmware and special instructions, PRIOR to following the steps below. Failure to do so may result in unexpected operation of your AP9. Network Management Card 2. Note Some USB flash drives are not compatible with the NMC2 devices. Secondly, the flash drives file system must be FAT, FAT1. FAT3. 2. NTFS will not work. Obtain the latest firmware files from apc. Please note, USB may not allow for a firmware downgrade. You must use a manual method to accomplish a downgrade. Create a folder on your USB flash drive called apcfirm. From the latest firmware files that you downloaded, add to the apcfirm folder the binary files for the firmware modules that you would like to upgrade. Some examples of the binary files for the three firmware modules follow Firmware Module. Binary File APC Boot Monitor apchw. APC Operating System AOS apchw. Application Module apchw. Language Packsumx6. Frde. Deru. Ruit. Ites. Es. lpk. 4. Use a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad to create a file called upload. Ensure that file extensions are visible so that your file does not get named upload. In Windows, this option can be edited in Folder Options View Hide extensions for known file types within Control Panel. Make sure that option is unselected. Add to the file a line for each firmware module that you want to upgrade as shown below replace XXX with the version of firmware you will be upgrading to BMapchw. XXX. bin. AOSapchw. XXX. bin. APPapchw. XXX. bin. LANGsumxXXXfr. Frde. Deru. Ruit. Ites. Es. lpk. 5. Add the upload. rcf file to the apcfirm folder on the flash drive. Insert the flash drive into the USB port on the NMC2. Press and release the pinhole Reset button on the NMC2 for the USB upgrade process to begin. This will only reboot the management interface of the NMC2 and not reboot your deviceload. The NMC2 status LED, located on the RJ 4. Ethernet jack, will begin to blink amber during this procedure and rotate through a few color flashing patterns while transferring the different files. Note If you have an AP9. AP9. 63. 5 removable NMC2 UPS Smart. Slot card, you can also remove and re insert the card into the UPS Smart. Slot, effectively rebooting the NMC2 and beginning the USB upgrade process this way. Wait for two to five minutes for the upgrade to complete. Remove the flash drive from the USB port and check your firmware version. On a Rack PDU specifically, the LCD display will show the firmware version for three seconds and then will resume normal operation, at which time you can also remove the flash drive. If you have a Windows computer, you can use the firmware executable to upgrade the firmware. If you have any other type of computer, then you will need to manually upload each firmware file to the Web SNMPNetwork Management Card. Recovering a Corrupt Cisco IOS Image on a Catalyst Switch. Unfortunately there is no easy way to recover a corrupt or deleted IOS image on a fixed configuration Cisco Catalyst switch. You must use x. Modem which commonly takes 2 hours. This lab will discuss and demonstrate the IOS recovery procedure for fixed configuration Catalyst series switches using x. Modem. Real World Application. Recovering the Cisco IOS image on a Cisco switch is one of those tasks that is nice to know and not need it then need it and not know it. In the field you may find yourself faced with a Cisco switch that cannot boot up or crashes when booting up due to a possible IOS Image corruption. Lab Prerequisites. This lab will require a REAL switch as this lab cannot be emulated using GNS3. The Cisco IOS on the switch must be corrupt or missing to perform this lab, to emulate this error you can erase the flash memory to practice this lab. An active console session to the device is REQUIRED. Youll need to use either Hyper. Terminal or Secure. CRT as Putty does not support x. Modem. Lab Objectives. Boot the switch into SWITCH ROM mode. Initialize the flash file system. OPTIONAL Format the flash file system if needed. This will remove your startup configurationSet the baud rate to 1. IOS Image. Copy the Cisco IOS Image via x. Modem to Flash Set the boot parameter to the new image name located in Flash Unset the baud so that it defaults back to 9. Boot the switch and verify that the switch boots properly. Lab Instruction. Recovering the Cisco IOS Image on a fix configuration Cisco Catalyst Series Switch is quite a bit different and more of an old school way of doing an IOS image recovery. Unfortunately fixed configuration switches require the use of x. Modem to restore a corrupt or missing IOS images unlike the Cisco 4. Cisco 6. 50. 0 Series supervisor engines which use compact flash cards. Step 1. Boot your switch into switch ROM mode. This typically involves holding down the STAT button on the front of the switch when plugging in the power. You can check out the required procedure by clicking HERE Once youve booted your switch into Switch ROM mode youll be see the following dispatch Boot Sector Filesystem bs installed, fsid 2. Base ethernet MAC Address 0. Xmodem file system is available. The password recovery mechanism is enabled. The system has been interrupted prior to initializing the. The following commands will initialize. Step 2. Once youve booted into Switch ROM mode youll need to initialize the flash file system by executing the flashinit command as shown below switch flashinit. Initializing Flash. Total bytes 1. 59. Bytes used 1. 24. Bytes available 3. Initializing Flash. Step 3 OPTIONAL If your image is corrupted you can format your flash file system by executing the format flash command as shown below however this will delete your start up configuration Switch format flash. Are you sure you want to format flash all data will be lost yn Total bytes 7. Bytes used 1. 02. Bytes available 7. Filesystem flash formatted. Step 4. To speed up the x. Modem file transfer speed youll need to set the console line BAUD rate to 1. BAUD 1. 15. 20. 0. If you do this youll need to disconnect your console session and change the serial line speed from 9. However if you do not set the BAUD to 1. BAUD 1. 15. 20. 0. Step 5. Once setting the BAUD rate and reconnecting to the console line of your Cisco switch youre ready to copy the IOS image via x. Test Hook V1.0 more. Modem to the switchs flash memory by executing the copy xmodem flash filename. Modem file transfer from the terminal emulator client as shown below switch copy xmodem flash c. SE. bin. Begin the Xmodem or Xmodem 1. K transfer now. Starting xmodem transfer. Press CtrlC to cancel. Transferring c. 35. SE. bin. 1. 00 1. KB 6 KBs 0. 0 3. Errors. File xmodem successfully copied to flash c. SE. bin. Step 6. Once the IOS image is copied into flash youll need to update the BOOT parameter by executing the set BOOT flash filename. BOOT flash c. 35. SE. bin. Step 7. Once the boot parameter has been set you can now set the BAUD rate back to the default 9. BAUD. Note that when doing this youll need to disconnect your current console connection and change the baud speed on your terminal emulator from 1. BAUD. Step 8 is the last step which is to boot the switch and verify that the switch successfully boots the IOS image placed into flash from x. MODEM. Execute the boot command to load the IOS image specified in the boot parameter as shown below switch boot. Loading flash c. SE. File flash c. 35. SE. bin uncompressed and installed. Restricted Rights Legend. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is. Commercial Computer Software Restricted. Rights clause at FAR sec. Rights in Technical Data and Computer. Software clause at DFARS sec. Systems, Inc. 1. 70 West Tasman Drive. San Jose, California 9. Cisco IOS Software, C3. Software C3. 56. IPSERVICESK9 M, Version 1. SE. RELEASE SOFTWARE fc. Technical Support http www. Copyright c 1. 98. Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Sun 1. 3 Dec 0. Image text base 0x. E0. 00. 00. Initializing flashfs. Total bytes 1. 59. Bytes used 1. 24. Bytes available 3. Initialization complete. Initializing flashfs. Checking for Bootloader upgrade. POST CPU MIC register Tests Begin. POST CPU MIC register Tests End, Status Passed. POST Port. ASIC Memory Tests Begin. POST Port. ASIC Memory Tests End, Status Passed. POST CPU MIC interface Loopback Tests Begin. POST CPU MIC interface Loopback Tests End, Status Passed. POST Port. ASIC Ring. Loopback Tests Begin. POST Port. ASIC Ring. Loopback Tests End, Status Passed. POST Inline Power Controller Tests Begin. POST Inline Power Controller Tests End, Status Passed. POST Port. ASIC CAM Subsystem Tests Begin. POST Port. ASIC CAM Subsystem Tests End, Status Passed. POST Port. ASIC Port Loopback Tests Begin. POST Port. ASIC Port Loopback Tests End, Status Passed. Waiting for Port download. Complete. This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United. States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for. U. S. and local country laws. By using this product you. If you are unable. U. S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U. S. Cisco cryptographic products may be found at. If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to. WS C3. 56. 0 2. PS Power. PC4. 05 processor revision M0 with 1. K bytes of. Processor board ID CAT0. Z2. EE. Last reset from power on. Virtual Ethernet interface. Fast. Ethernet interfaces. Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. The password recovery mechanism is enabled. K bytes of flash simulated non volatile configuration memory. Base ethernet MAC Address 0. F2 D2 D1 AF. Motherboard assembly number 7. Power supply part number 3. Motherboard serial number CAT0. NNZ. Power supply serial number LIT0. ZV. Model revision number M0. Motherboard revision number A0. Model number WS C3. PS S. System serial number CAT0. FAEE. Top Assembly Part Number 8. Top Assembly Revision Number A0. Version ID V0. CLEI Code Number COM1. X1. FARB. Hardware Board Revision Number 0x. Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image.