Install Flash Operator Panel Asterisk

FOP2 (Flash Operator Panel 2) is a web based control panel for Asterisk voice servers that shows you detailed PBX activity, like who is talking and to whom, call durations, held calls, queued calls, etc. It lets you control your phone and perform transfers, launch call spying and whisper, monitor queue activity and more. All from your web browser, without the need to install anything on the client side. This version shows 2 lines per phone and held call status, so you can see exactly what is going on.

/etc/op-panel The configuration files of the operator panel daemon reside in that directory (may differ on other distributions). Those include: opserver.cfg The server's configuration file. See remarks in file for documentation. Opbuttons.cfg Defines the layout of the operator panel, and also which phones to track. Asternic, the Asterisk Flash Operator Panel ( GUI ) Its a switchboard type application that monitors your Asterisk PBX y real time and let you perform different actions, like tran.

In this tutorial you will learn how to fix the following problem. The flash operator panel 'fop2' administrator try's to park a call by blind transfer but the call hangs up. To solve this we must do the following :

Asterisk Operator Panel

STEP 1- Edit fop2 File In Asterisk

STEP 2- Edit The Parking Lot Name

* from http://yourip/admin/config.php edit parking lot name to be :- default * submit changes then apply config

Install Flash Operator Panel Asterisk Download

STEP 3- Test parking

1- go to http://yourip/fop2/ login with any fop2 users extensions

2- make a call from any extensions to the extensions you login with in fop2

3- highlight the parking lot, then push 'blind transfer' button ... look it works fine :D I hope this short tutorial on how to solve parking call problem in FOP2 (Flash Operator Panel 2) for Asterisk voice servers was helpful. If you have any questions and or comments simply add it to the form below and I will be happy to assist you.

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Tags:Asterisk, Elastix, Elastix Linux VPS, FOP2, Parking Call

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Install Flash Operator Panel Asterisk

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