Dragon Quest Iv Mini Medals

ドラゴンクエストIV/Dragon Quest IV Small Medal Locations Guide Version 1.4 01/03/02 By: Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) Version 1.0 12/05/01-Guide started. Version 1.1 12/14/01-Up to.

  1. Dragon Quest Iv Mini Medals
  2. Mini Medals Dragon Quest
Old localizationsMysterious bolero
Found inDragon Quest III (remakes only)
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Buy forvaries
Sell forvaries

The Glombolero (formerly mysterious bolero) is a recurring robe in the Dragon Quest series which first appeared in Dragon Quest IV. It has a chance to absorb half the MP from incoming spells in nearly every appearance, similar to Absorb Magic, with the exact drain rate varying between games.

  • 1Appearances

Dragon Quest IV Walkthrough - Chapter 8 This chapter of my guide begins after defeating Estark in the Mamon Mines and collecting the Gas Canister. With this item in hand you'll want to head over to Riverton and speak with the man in the southeastern portion of the town, shown in my screen shot above. You can check the total number of Mini Medals you have collected from the Misc - Info screen of the Main Menu. It is possible to obtain a total of 55 Mini Medals in the first Act of the game. By dropping off your Dragon Quest Builders 2 Mini Medals with the Hairy Hermit, you'll be entitled to collect rewards from the very first medal. As you find more of them, keep bringing them in to. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen Guides and Walkthroughs One of the side quests that appears in almost every Dragon Quest game in the series is the Mini Medal one. These medals are typically found in towns or friendly areas and they're almost always turned in to an NPC sitting on a lone island - this game is no different.

Dragon Quest Iv Mini Medals


Dragon Quest III[edit]

Mini Medals Dragon Quest

The glombolero is found in the bonus dungeons of the remakes, nearby the lair of the Super Boss. It may be equipped by all vocations, providing +30 defence and reducing the cost of spells by 50%, rounded up. This feature stacks with the effects of the Mad Cap for a 75% reduction.

Dragon Quest IV[edit]

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +47 (+37 in the NES Version) and absorbs magic 1/6th of the time. It is found in the Stairway to Zenithia and can be worn by Borya, Kiryl, Maya, and Meena.

Dragon quest 11 mini medal farming

Humorously, the bolero will absorb MP even when the wearer is deceased, causing a surreal scene when Zing fails to revive the recipient.

Dragon Quest V[edit]

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +37. Bianca, Nera, and the Hero's Daughter can equip it. The absorption rate is still just 1/6th, and spells cast by party members are no longer affected. They can be acquired in exchange for 10 mini medals (17 in the remakes) at Medal King's Palace.

Dragon Quest VI[edit]

The Hero, Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, and the slime buddies can equip the Glombolero for +40 defence and -50 style. It is the reward for giving King Medford 80 mini medals.

The absorption rate has jumped up to 50%, but at the cost of only being able to siphon a quarter of a spell's MP. In the DS and Mobile remakes, this has changed so that half of a spell's MP is drained.

Dragon Quest VII[edit]

Everyone but Prince Kiefer can equip the glombolero, and it features the same parameters as before. It is received from turning in 95 mini medals to the Medal King.

  • The Glitzy glombolero, introduced in the 3DS remake, has a 50% chance to absorb 100% of the MP from an enemy spell. It increases defence by +50 and style by +3.

Dragon Quest IX[edit]

Glombolero (DS)
Magical Might+16
Found1% chance in Rank 4 chests
Equipable byAll Vocations
Buy PriceN/a
Sell Price3,300
Flavor textCurious clothing that absorbs the power of magic cast on it.
NotesAbsorbs MP from spells cast on the wearer.
Received as a reward from completing Quest #42.

Dragon Quest XI[edit]

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  • Borya wearing the glombolero

  • Another piece of art of Borya wearing the glombolero

  • Nevan, on the left, wearing the glombolero

  • The glombolero from Dragon Quest VII

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