Can You Join Multiple Guilds In Oblivion

It is not possible to join the Fighter's Guild if you have a bounty. If you commit a crime against another member of the guild, you will be Expelled from the Fighters Guild, and will have to complete a miniquest to get back in to the guild. If you get kicked out three times, you can never rejoin the Fighters Guild.

  1. Oblivion Guild List
  2. Can You Join Multiple Guilds In Oblivion Wiki
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At Blizzcon last year they talked about letting you join multiple guilds on a single character. That way you can join your friends casual guild and still be in your hardcore guild. I will try and find the video. Thanks Issalice. Yeah that's what I was talking about. With this multi-guild system it really takes that commitment away and is more like joining a fanpage on facebook or signing up for one of your total 10 'VIP' customer clubs at regular convenience stores. Or at least that's my opinion. Plenty of people who will disagree though. With this multi-guild system it really takes that commitment away and is more like joining a fanpage on facebook or signing up for one of your total 10 'VIP' customer clubs at regular convenience stores. Or at least that's my opinion. Plenty of people who will disagree though. In Oblivion, your character can be a member of more than one guild or faction at a time.

Almost all NPCs and Creatures in Oblivion belong to one or more factions. These faction memberships control the dispositions of all NPCs and creatures, both towards the player and towards one another. In addition, NPC dialogues can be determined by faction memberships, as can some game scripts.

In Oblivion, your character can be a member of more than one guild or faction at a time. A player can even be in every faction at the same time, without penalty (this is in contrast to Morrowind, which involved both prohibition and disposition penalties for faction membership; part of 100% Completion in Oblivion is achieving the highest rank in every faction).

Faction memberships (your character's and those of the NPC) fundamentally determine who will attack the player (or one another), and who will act as allies. This is accomplished via the faction disposition modifiers. Most factions have predetermined disposition modifiers towards various other factions: positive modifiers for factions towards whom the faction is friendly (including members of the same faction), and negative modifiers for enemy factions.

Another purpose that factions serve is giving ownership to various items. For example, when you join the legal guilds (Fighters Guild and Mages Guild), you will gain ownership of most of the guilds' possessions, and may take them right underneath the guild members' noses. NPCs also have factions so that large numbers of people may enter and exit doors without trespassing.

Frequently, the game storyline or NPC dialogues also provide information about a character's guild memberships. However, at times the story-based guild memberships are different from the faction memberships defined for that character in the construction set. In particular, most NPCs associated with the Arena and Dark Brotherhood have significant discrepancies between their faction memberships and the game storyline. The faction memberships listed on the site are always the character's official faction memberships as taken from the construction set, because these are the only memberships that will affect the NPC's behavior. Any discrepancies with the game storyline will be described in the notes on that NPC's page.

Major Guilds[edit]

These are the five main factions (Guilds) that the player can join; many NPCs also belong to one of these factions. Each faction has an associated questline. Completing the quests allows the player to advance in rank through the guild. On the Xbox 360 version of Oblivion, with the rank advancements come achievements.

  • Arena -- A team competing in the Imperial City deathmatch-style Arena.
  • Dark Brotherhood -- A secret guild dedicated to hired killings.
  • Fighters Guild -- An Imperially-chartered guild dedicated to serving the people of Cyrodiil.
  • Mages Guild -- An Imperially-chartered guild dedicated to the study of magicka.
  • Thieves Guild -- A secret guild dedicated to thievery.

Minor Guilds[edit]

These are the only other factions that the player can join during the game. Membership is typically obtained as a reward for completing a quest. Most of these guilds offer some sort of benefit but no additional quests.

  • Blackwood Company -- Competition for the Fighters Guild.
  • The Blades -- The Emperor's personal bodyguards and operatives.
  • Court of Madness -- You may join this faction with the official plug-inShivering Isles.
  • Knights of the Nine -- You may join this faction with the official plug-inKnights of the Nine.
  • Knights of the Thorn -- Largely the drinking club of the Count of Cheydinhal's son.
  • Knights of the White Stallion -- Knights Order out of Leyawiin.
  • Mythic Dawn -- The enemy in the main quest.
  • Nine Divines -- You may join this faction with the official plug-inKnights of the Nine.
  • Order of the Dragon -- You're inducted into this order as the Champion of Cyrodiil after completing the main quest.
  • The Order of the Virtuous Blood -- An order of vampire hunters in the Imperial City.

Other Factions[edit]

A full list of all factions (including those not available to the player), along with their members and interrelationships, can be found at the pages below:

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  • 2Detailed Walkthrough
Join the Mages Guild and earn recommendations from all guild leaders to gain access to the Arcane University.
Quest Giver:Any local Mages Guild head at any Guild Hall
Location(s):All Mages Guilds
Next Quest:A Mage's Staff
Reward:Robe of the Apprentice, access to the Arcane University.
Fame/Infamy:Fame +1
The Arcane University

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to the head of any Mages Guild to join.
  2. Complete all recommendation quests.
  3. Gain access to the Arcane University.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Joining the Mages Guild[edit]

In order to join the Mages Guild, seek out a local head of the Mages Guild in any of Cyrodiil's seven guild halls. There is one in each city except for the Imperial City and Kvatch. All you need to do is ask to join the guild; as long as you have a clean criminal record you will be made part of the guild. You will be given a copy of the Mages Guild Charter and a Mages Guild Key that opens most of the doors in the seven guild halls. You are also now free to take almost all of the items you find in the guild halls and sell them for quick cash (there are still however a few privately owned items that cannot be freely taken, so pay attention to your icon before picking something up).

Receiving Recommendations[edit]

Visit each of the Mages Guilds in Cyrodiil and receive the recommendation from each of the guild leaders there:

  • Anvil Recommendation: Investigate a number of deaths along the Gold Road to obtain a recommendation from Anvil.
  • Bravil Recommendation: Recover a fellow mage's staff to obtain a recommendation from Bravil.
  • Bruma Recommendation: Find a missing mage to obtain a recommendation from Bruma.
  • Cheydinhal Recommendation: Recover a lost ring to obtain a recommendation from Cheydinhal.
  • Chorrol Recommendation: Sort out a problem with a former guildmember to obtain a recommendation from Chorrol.
    • Note to avoid confusion: This quest is instead known as Fingers of the Mountain if the PC-only Unofficial Oblivion Patch has not been installed - however, it still functions as the Chorrol Recommendation quest.
  • Leyawiin Recommendation: Help a mage regain her sanity to obtain a recommendation from Leyawiin.
  • Skingrad Recommendation: Find a missing mage to obtain a recommendation from Skingrad.
Can you join multiple guilds in oblivion roblox

Arcane University Access[edit]

Once you have all seven recommendations, speak with Raminus Polus at the lobby of the Arcane University in the Imperial City (at least during operating hours). He'll acknowledge receiving all the necessary recommendations and accept you into the guild, promoting you to the rank of Apprentice. You will receive an extra Fame point (in addition to others gained completing the above Recommendation quests), access to the Arcane University, and a Robe of the Apprentice.

Oblivion Guild List


Can You Join Multiple Guilds In Oblivion Wiki

  • Although you can get inside the gate to the Arcane University by tailgating one of the NPCs that opens the gate to enter, you cannot get into the actual buildings without performing this quest and receiving all seven recommendations.
  • An achievement will be unlocked upon joining the Mages Guild and upon being admitted to the Arcane University.
Can You Join Multiple Guilds In Oblivion

Journal Entries[edit]

Join the Mages Guild (MG00Join)
StageFinishes QuestJournal Entry
10I have been told if I wish to join the Mages Guild, I should speak with the head of any of the local guild halls in Cyrodiil.
20I have spoken with Teekeus [sic] in Chorrol. He has told me that I must not be a wanted criminal if I wish to join the Mages Guild,
21I have spoken with Carahil in Anvil. She has told me I must not be a wanted criminal if I wish to join the Mages Guild.
22I have spoken with Kud-Ei in Bravil. She has told me that in order to join the Mages Guild, I must not be a wanted criminal.
23I have spoken with Jeanne Frasoric in Bruma. She has told me I must not be a wanted criminal if I wish to join the Mages Guild.
24I have spoken with Falcar in Cheydinhal. He has told me I cannot be a wanted criminal if I wish to join the Mages Guild.
25I have spoken with Dagail in Leyawiin. She has told me that in order to join the Mages Guild, I must not be a wanted criminal.
26I have spoken with Adrienne Berene in Skingrad. She told me I must not be a wanted criminal if I wish to join the Mages Guild.
50I have joined the Mages Guild. I must acquire recommendations from all of the local Guild Hall leaders in order to gain access to the Arcane University.
90I have received recommendations from all of the local guild halls in Cyrodiil. I must now travel to the Arcane University, and speak with Raminus Polus.
100I have been given a recommendation from each ranking member in the local guild halls, and have been given access to the Arcane University.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
  • If an entry is marked as 'Finishes Quest' it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage MG00Join stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.
Prev: NoneUp:Mages GuildNext:A Mage's Staff
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